Top 5 mobile apps for students

Top 5 mobile apps for students

Mobile phones are very good slaves but bad masters, let you control your phone not phone control you. Here are 5 apps for students that will help you in your daily life.


It is solution to your biggest problem (to wake up early) if you are tired of snoozing your alarm then this is best app for you, it will not let you sleep. In this app, you have to give yourself a task to perform next morning when alarm rings, you have to complete the task otherwise it will keep ringing. To solve the task you have to use your mind or do any physical movement and then you are probably up.


Sometimes, you get stucked in math or science problem, in this situation you can use Socratic, simply take a photo of your question and get step by step explanation, in this app, you can also get answers for history, english, economics and many others subjects.


Loop - habit tracker helps you to create new good habit, maintain good habit and achieve your goals. In this app you get detailed graph and analysis of your habits. So, what are you waiting for? Go and start making new habits.


Every student knows something, think if he/she can share his/her knowledge to other students, it will make study more easier based on this concept here's our next app brainly. By the help of brainly you can ask questions to other students and can do a deep analysis or research on many subjects like mathematics, history, english, biology, chemistry, physics, social studies and many more.


In today's life, people spends minimum 2-3 hours on phone. The blue light coming from phone screen affects our eye, it can also suppress production of melatonin which can cause difficulty in sleeping (insomnia) to get rid of this blue light you can use blue light filter, its reduces the blue light and adjust screen to a natural colour. It changes your screen to night mode due to which the pressure on the eyes decreases. This app should be installed in your phone.

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