The ideas that changed the whole world

  Greatest inventions of all time

1. Paper

One of the greatest invention of all time, paper was invented in the second century BC in China by the  Han Dynasty, the idea of paper eventually travelled to europe, where paper began to manufacture on larger scale, without paper the printing press never have been invented. It is very hard to imagine world without paper we would not have maps, paper currency and books to disperse information.

2. The compass

Before the invention of compass, sailors depended on landmass or even the star to navigate their ships but after the chinese scientist invented the compass in 11th or 12th century, it became easier for sailors to navigate their ships. It quickly spread to the arab world and to europe. The invention of the compass was a milestone for exploration, travel and trade linking remote cultures together. 

3. Penicillin

Penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 the first antibiotic drug penicillin changed human medicine forever. Penicillin used to treat a number of deadly bacterial infections. Penicillin alone has saved an estimated 80 million to 200 million lives.

4. The light bulb

The light bulb one of the greatest invention of mankind invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1879. He made 1000 unsuccessful attempt at inventing the light bulb but finally he succeeded. This invention brought us out of the world of darkness into the light. Hatts of to Thomas Alva Edison.

5. Internet

The Internet itself is a revolution. Internet linked the world together in a way never imagined before, the Internet itself is a revolution. The internet has provided platform for all manner of human connection, any person can share his knowledge to other people.

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