5 ways to earn money online in 2021

5 ways to earn money online in 2021

Internet is great tool of earning, there are various ways of earning online, what you need to invest is time in it. There are people who are earning more than a lac online. I am not going to share any quick rich scheme with you. All works needs hardwork and dedication. So, let's start, Here "5 ways to earn money online in 2021".

1. Freelancing

Globally freelance industry is worth 30 billion and because of the internet your location doesn't matter you just need a laptop or phone to start this. Photoshop, website designing, content writing, marketing, voice overs there are so many options for you - Check out these website Upwork, Fiverr, Toptal and start earning.

2. Transcribing

Listen to audio and convert it to text this is called transcribing. Now's days transcribing is highly in demand all you need is time and you can earn every hour, check out these website and figure out your option - Transcribe me, Rev, Scribie, Go transcribe.

3. Blog / YouTube channel

Creating Blog and YouTube channel are one of the best ways of online earning. If you are good writer and want to monetize this skill without any investment then blogging is best for you and if you can face the camera and have a good editing skills then go with YouTube. After getting approval of Google adsense place ad on your site and start earning.

4. Investment

By the time our money value decreases because of inflation so, it is very important to invest in share market, bitcoin, gold, real-estate and others. But proper learning is necessary to invest otherwise you may loss your money. Start with small investment and check out these options to start investing - Groww, Upstox.

5. Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant can be anything small companies and youtuber need help in managing their meetings and social media handles. By working as virtual assistant, you are not in the trap of 9-5 job and can make good money while keeping your independence, to become virtual assistant you need to contact people in the field that interest you by social media especially on LinkedIn. Suggest them how can you ease their pressure.
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